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Laser photo-rejuvenation


Laser photo-rejuvenation in ProClinic in Wrocław

Laser photo-rejuvenation is a gentle method of regenerating the skin using laser light. Thanks to this treatment, in one go you can remove small wrinkles, freckles, sun discolorations, broken capillaries, erythema and other skin damage. The treatment does not cause exclusion from everyday life, the next day you can return to everyday activities. As a result of skin aging, collagen fibers become less flexible, change their structure and appear unwanted wrinkles.

To reduce the effects of skin aging it is necessary to constantly care for and stimulate the processes of reconstruction in the dermis. So far, the proposed methods have not brought satisfactory results. Damage to the papillary layer of the dermis caused by burns or discolourations was quite common. Peelings were also not very effective, because they caused long exclusion from everyday life and did not give the expected results. In response to these methods, we can offer you a modern rejuvenation treatment carried out with the Fotona Nd:Yag laser and T3 technology.

Based on the absorption of laser energy by haemoglobin with partial shrinkage of small vessels in the dermis. With this method you can renew your skin's vascularization and rebuild new collagen. This makes the skin smoother, more supple and more toned.

Laser Fotona Spectro SP with a wavelength of 1064 nm is a device that destroys large diameter vessels hidden deep under the skin. In addition, it minimizes the risk of tissue damage. It is the safest laser on the market. The treatment is designed for people who show the first signs of skin aging, shallow wrinkles and discoloration. It is recommended to carry out 3 to 6 treatments at intervals of 2-4 weeks to achieve the right result. The treatment is non-invasive, does not cause aesthetic indisposition, does not cause exclusion from everyday life.

Laser photo-rejuvenation of the skin - effects:

  • improves skin tone,
  • reduces and shrinks the pores,
  • the skin is smoother and tighter.

Contraindications for photo-rejuvenation treatment:

  • pregnancy,
  • pacemaker,
  • epilepsy,
  • diabetes,
  • some skin diseases such as rosacea, psoriasis,
  • tanning, also solarium 4 weeks before and after the treatment,
  • use of some medications,
  • steroids,
  • some viral changes,
  • photosensitizing medications,
  • retinol creams,
  • some herbs: marigold, St John's wort.

Patient's behaviour before and after the procedure

Before the procedure: 

  1. 4 weeks before the procedure you should give up tanning and do not use any exfoliating cosmetics.
  2. A day before the procedure it is good to shave your legs with a razor and resign from drinking alcohol.
  3. The day before the procedure, wash all the cosmetics off the skin.
  4. JIf you are taking medication: steroids or photosensitizing anticoagulants, you should stop taking them (if possible) 7 days before the treatment and then you can use them again only 14 days after the treatment.

During the treatment, a light beam is applied to the skin. At the beginning, a cold gel is applied to reduce the swelling of the face. A series of shots follows. The whole procedure takes about 40 minutes. Usually the skin reddens and peels off after a few days. The first effects are noticeable after 2 series. In order to achieve the desired effects it is necessary to perform 5 treatments at intervals of 2-4 weeks.

After the procedure:

  1. It is not recommended to use a sauna or hot tub for about 14 days.
  2. Intensive physical exercise is forbidden up to 7 days after the procedure.
  3. If the treatment was performed on the face, use creams with SPV 30 for 4 weeks after the treatment.
  4. Cosmetics are applied after 24 hours after the treatment, but remember to avoid alcohol-based preparations.
  5. After 2 months you should go to the control visit.

3D fractionation

An innovative treatment that allows the dermis to be visibly rejuvenated. It reduces wrinkles, firms the skin and improves its firmness. The treatment introduces thermal irritation deep in the skin, resulting in stimulation of collagen and collagen fibers.

These damages occur deeper in the skin, so the effect is stronger. Thanks to this procedure, excellent results can be achieved without the risk of complications. During skin aging collagen fibers change their structure causing loss of elasticity, relaxation, appearance of excess skin, wrinkles or change in the face oval. This is due to the reduction in the amount of collagen fibers that change their structure. Active fibroblasts also decrease. The treatment is performed with the Nd:Yag laser from Fotona Spectro, having a light wave of 1064 nm. Thanks to it you can destroy large diameter vessels hidden deep under the skin. This laser is the safest and fastest laser on the market, minimizes the risk of tissue damage.

What is the uniqueness of the 3D fractionation procedure?

3D fractionation creates thermal micro-damage that occurs deep in the skin, making the effect much stronger. These irritations stimulate collagen and collagen fibers. It is a non-ablative procedure of strong skin stretching.

For whom the treatment is intended

The treatment is performed on mature people who have a problem with flabby skin, devoid of elasticity and firmness. The treatment causes filling, and in some cases even the elimination of wrinkles. The skin becomes smoother and more delicate. In order to achieve the desired effects, the patient should undergo from 3 to 6 treatments at intervals of 2 - 4 weeks. It is important that the treatments are carried out regularly, because later treatments will maintain collagen in the phase of positive growth.

Effects that can be achieved after a 3D fractionation treatment

First of all, it rejuvenates the skin, reduces wrinkles, improves skin tone, the skin is firm and full of radiance, elastic. Wrinkles will disappear even for 12 months after the initial treatment.

Contraindications to carry out the procedure

  • pregnancy,
  • pacemaker,
  • epilepsy,
  • diabetes,
  • some skin diseases such as rosacea, psoriasis,
  • tanning, also solarium 4 weeks before and after the treatment,
  • use of some medications,
  • steroids,
  • some viral changes,
  • photosensitizing medications,
  • kremy z retinolem,
  • some herbs: marigold, St John's wort.